Cladophora sp pdf file

Cladophoraceae are a family of green algae in the order the cladophorales. Cladophorales are an order of green algae, in the class ulvophyceae. Pdf cladophora is found in a variety of marine and freshwaters. This family includes notably the genus chaetomorpha which has a few members used in saltwater aquariums. Pdf cladophora is a group of macroscopic green algae with over 183 species. The surface are and crystallinity was measured on a cellulose powder made from cladophora sp. Cladophora glomerata is a useful bioindicator for heavy metals and is the most abundant species of periphyton aufwuchs in the meso and eutrophic waters at the hungarian reach of the river danube. Species of cladophora may occur in ultraoligotrophic lakes stanford and precott.

Cladophora is a cosmopolitan alga and can be found in huge masses of a variety of marine and fresh waters, which provide habitat as well as food for numerous organisms dodds and gudder, 1992. Cladophora research and management in the great lakes. Many reports on the nutritional value of cladophora spp. The high surface area was confirmed by calculations from atomic force microscope imaging of microfibrils from cladophora sp. Field and laboratory guide to freshwater cyanobacteria. The cladophora glomerata enriched by biosorption process. Several species, including cladophora glomerata, are considered a nuisance in recreational bodies of water. A common component of freshwater ecosystems, cladophora sp. This genus is rich in phytochemical compounds that can be exploited for. Cladophora, genus of green algae family cladophoraceae found growing attached to rocks or timbers submerged in shallow lakes and streams. Thallus remains attached to the substratum by a holdfast formed by the lowermost rhizoidal cell.

Problems arise when the conditions of light, nutrients, temperature and substrate are favorable for luxuriant growths over extensive areas. Phytochemical studies on cladophora species from the nil river. Branching in cladophora appears like a dichotomy but actually it is of lateral type. Conversely, species of marine lyngbya, cladophora sp.

Periphyton are the algae attached to plants, rocks, sand, and wood in most aquatic habitats. Harbor human bacterial pathogens in nearshore water of lake michigan. There is a plausible fossil example in the midordovician winneshiek shale. Cladophora is a genus of reticulated filamentous ulvophyceae green algae. The genus cladophora has one of the largest number of species within the macroscopic green algae and is also among the most difficult to classify taxonomically. The algae cellulose powder was found to have a very high surface area 63.

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